Category: Indie Authors Podcast

My indie authors podcast began as IndieVoices, when I was executive editor at Foreword Reviews, and is now called Inspirational Indie Authors in its incarnation for the Alliance of Independent Authors. But no matter what it’s called, I enjoy making these podcasts because I get to interview some incredibly brilliant authors.

For me, it’s not about the authors’ business plans, marketing strategy, or other aspects of indie publishing that don’t have to do with the actual content of the books. I’ll let smart businesspeople handle those kinds of interviews. For me, my indie authors podcast is all about the joy of writing and reading.

You can listen to all my latest author interviews at this link.

  • Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Every other Sunday, I join Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, for our Creative Self-Publishing Podcast. I learn a great deal from Orna, who is my publishing mentor in addition to novelist, poet, and creative facilitator. Every episode, we’ll discuss how to become a profitable self-publisher while also retaining your unique, creative voice. There are many paths to self-publishing, and we’ll help you discover yours. You can listen to our episodes at the link below, or find us on your favorite podcast app.

    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Subscribe on iTunes   Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast for podcasts logo   Pocket Casts Logo  

  • Podcast: Indie Publishing is a Great News Story

    Podcast: Indie Publishing is a Great News Story

    Indie publishing is a great news story! I recently flew from my hometown of Traverse City, Michigan, to London to attend the London Book Fair, where my colleagues at ALLi were celebrating a decade since our founder, Orna Ross, launched the self-publishing group at 2012’s book fair. I come from a journalism background, so I did what I enjoy doing at events like this. I interviewed people. And, today, I’ll feature many of their voices about where indie publishing has been, where it is today, and where it’s going.

    Above all, I think of indie publishing as a great news story, and one that I’m happy to be covering both as a member of ALLi and as a journalist. For me, the rise of indie publishing suits my personality. In my days as a business and technology reporter, if the rest of the media pack were headed one way, I’d head the opposite. That’s where the interesting stories were. Who is going against the grain? Who is innovating?

    The old system of publishing is based on outdated technology and assumptions. But technology has progressed to the point where authors need not play by established rules. Independent-minded authors, or those who wish to retain control over their own work and ability to earn from it, can choose not to play the old game.

    And that’s where we’ll begin, with ALLi cofounder and director Orna Ross, who talked about this shift in author attitudes that she’s witnessed over the past decade.

    You can listen to the full podcast on the Alliance of Independent Authors site, or click the arrow below.

    Listen to all Self-Publishing News podcasts here. 

  • Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Me

    Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Me

    I’m grateful that the Alliance of Independent Authors has teamed me up with the multitalented Dan Holloway to host the monthly Self-Publishing News podcast. I spent the first half of my career as a journalist, and I still approach my work as, above all, a “good story.” The rise of indie publishing is a great story, with many moving parts, and I enjoy chatting with Dan to get caught up on the latest news. Dan is brilliant, so the podcast usually features me asking him questions and making occasional wisecracks, while my colleague actually delivers the news.

    You can hear the latest Self-Publishing News podcast below.


    Also, you can listen to my author-interview podcast here.

    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Self-Publishing News Podcast   Self-Publishing News Podcast for podcasts logo   Pocket Casts Logo  Self-Publishing News Podcast

  • Podcast — Dan Holloway: A Colorful Mind

    Podcast — Dan Holloway: A Colorful Mind

    Dan Holloway

    I recently interviewed Dan Holloway, ALLi’s news editor, on my podcast. Dan is a rare individual whose mind is hard-wired for creativity. In fact, that is the subject of his latest book. He is also an advocate for the disabled, a power lifter, an ultramarathon runner, a writer of thrillers and poetry, and much more. He is also bipolar and has ADHD. That, I suppose is the tradeoff for such a brilliant mind, although I’m not certain Dan would agree with me. He and I have many things in common, although I could only hope to accomplish as much as Dan Holloway.

    You can listen to my interview with Dan Holloway by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. Look at previous indie author podcasts here. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent Authors over here.

  • Search for Birth Mother Reveals Surprises

    Search for Birth Mother Reveals Surprises

    On my podcast, I feature Sara Easterly, an adoptee who wrote a book, Searching for Mom, about her quest to find her birth mother. But, more than that, her book is a spiritual and emotional search that tries to come to terms with something experienced by many adoptees, a feeling of abandonment. Along the way, Sara learned many surprising things about her adopted mother, her birth mother, and herself.

    You can listen to my interview with Sara Easterly by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. Look at previous indie author podcasts here. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent Authors over here.

  • Jude Lennon: Traveling Children’s Storyteller

    Jude Lennon: Traveling Children’s Storyteller

    I recently interviewed Jude Lennon, an English children’s author who does so much more than write. She is a traveling storyteller, going from school to school to instill in children a love for books, covering topics from pirates and astronauts to mindfulness and autism. She’s the full package when it comes to indie publishing. She’s not just selling books, but she’s sharing her stories in unique ways. And, yes, she is related to that “other” Lennon from Liverpool.

    You can listen to my interview with Jude Lennon by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. Look at previous indie author podcasts here. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.

  • Phyllis Cole-Dai Writes on Human Connection

    Phyllis Cole-Dai Writes on Human Connection

    My podcast guest is Phyllis Cole-Dai, whose work spans topics as disparate as homelessness and the plight of American Indians. For Phyllis, here’s what they all have in common. She is able to totally immerse herself into these topics that tend to divide us and come back with stories about how they impact individual humans. If we see individual people, learn their stories, then maybe we can all find common ground in these divisive times.

    You can listen to my interview with Phyllis Cole-Dai by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. Look at previous indie author podcasts here. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.

  • ‘Friend Grief’ Books Help Deal With Loss

    ‘Friend Grief’ Books Help Deal With Loss

    Friend Grief
    Victoria Noe

    My podcast guest is Victoria Noe, whose experience working with AIDS patients in the 1980s prepared her to write a series of “Friend Grief” books on dealing with loss when somebody close to you dies.

    What Victoria worked on was a way of making sense of her own grief for a friend. And she found that she’s not alone in needing a way to cope, or at least seeing how other people cope with grief. She came up with her series of books on ways people grieve for friends.

    Victoria also has advice for other authors who tackle such serious subjects.

    You can listen to my interview with Victoria Noe by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.

  • Indie Success With Comedy Science Fiction

    Indie Success With Comedy Science Fiction

    Comedy Science Fiction

    My podcast guest is Scottish author Barry Hutchison, who has found great success as an indie author writing comedy science fiction and crime thrillers.

    These two genres might seem to be unrelated, but to Barry it was about combining topics that interested him with a market that needed to be filled.

    The result has been a successful transition from traditionally published author to indie, and he has not looked back.

    You can listen to my interview with comedy science fiction writer Barry Hutchison by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.

  • Turning Real Life Into Nordic Mysteries

    Turning Real Life Into Nordic Mysteries

    My podcast guest is Helena Halme, a writer of romantic Nordic mysteries. She lives in the United Kingdom, but is originally from Finland. Before she became a novelist, Helena played a small, but important, part in Cold War history as a translator for the BBC.

    In addition to her Nordic mysteries, Helena writes nonfiction on how to turn your life into fiction and how to write in a language that’s not your own.

    We talk about Helena’s adventures at the BBC, her recent work, and her role as ALLi’s Nordic ambassador. Oh, and we’ll also learn her favorite ABBA song.

    You can listen to my interview with Helena Halme by clicking the arrow below.

    Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.