Category: Publishing

This is my home for author interviews. I produce podcasts and interview indie authors for the Alliance of Independent Authors; and I write about Jewish authors and Jewish-themed books for Publishers Weekly. This area will be updated with new stuff, greatest hits, and some commentary/advice for authors and editors. Enjoy!

  • How I Stopped Worrying and Became a ‘Pantser’

    How I Stopped Worrying and Became a ‘Pantser’

    It is said that authors have two ways of working. There are the “plotters” and the “pantsers.” Plotters outline every plot point, every character’s journey, every piece of dialogue. A “pantser” writes by the seat of their pants and lets the story and characters take the lead. When I was writing my novel, I was most definitely a “pantser.” I began chapters with an idea of where I wanted it to go, but then the characters took over, and it was as if I was taking dictation.

    But for my book on antisemitism, I thought “plotting” was the best way forward. I had an outline before I began, knowing exactly where I wanted to investigate successful methods of fighting antisemitism. I had all the categories lined up perfectly based on my previous knowledge of the subject.

    Then, I began interviewing dozens of sources, and all my plotting went out the window.

    But it’s better this way. The advantage of “pantsing” in nonfiction is that you can let the facts take you in new directions rather than letting your preplanned direction dictate where you put the facts.

    Since originally launching my Kickstarter in December 2023, much has been happening at a dizzying pace, including campus protests that have broken out across the country. My book will not be a rehash of all the news, but it will provide the core reasons for what has been happening.

    Every nonfiction book, no matter how nuanced and complicated, needs to have a “news peg”—a timely element that can be pitched to the media to promote the book. I’m hoping that my investigations into the silencing of Jewish voices and the amplification of non-Jewish organizations that pretend to speak for Jews will provide enough intrigue to get the media covering the book as news. Then again, the mainstream media’s tendency to ignore these points of view is part of the problem I’m writing about.

    It goes against my instincts as a journalist not to report on everything I’m discovering in my research for my book on fighting antisemitism, especially in light of recent news. But my days of begging other pubs to run my stories are over. It’s all going in my book. I’m going to use my Substack newsletter to preview excerpts for paid subscribers. Stay tuned. I’m “pantsing” as fast as I can.

  • Why is This Book Different From All Other Books on Antisemitism?

    Why is This Book Different From All Other Books on Antisemitism?

    The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles ran a commentary I wrote about why my book, From Outrage to Action: A Practical Guide to Fighting Antisemitismis different from others on the same subject.

    When I first proposed my book, “From Outrage to Action: A Practical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism,” I encountered skepticism from a potential publisher. They questioned whether anything new could be said on the subject or if the fight against antisemitism was solely a matter for the Israeli Defense Forces and their battle against Hamas.

    After going through most of the stages of grief since October 7, I thought about what I could do to help. In the aftermath of this tragedy, the sense of helplessness can be overwhelming. My book will argue that there is plenty that can be done in our own virtual and physical communities. We don’t have to passively watch horrible events unfold; everyone can play a part in combating antisemitism. This book is about showing how and why.

    I chose to do this via Kickstarter and self-publish for a couple of reasons. First, I don’t trust any publishers to handle this the way I’d like or to recognize the urgency. Typically, Kickstarter is known for funding comic books and games, but I’m testing its ability to support a comprehensive project against antisemitism. It’s a risk because there is no book like this on Kickstarter, and I’ve never crowdfunded anything in my life. It appears to be working so far. Within the first 24 hours, the campaign was already 30 percent funded.

    When a skeptical Jewish blogger recently asked me what sets this apart from other books on antisemitism, my answer was clear: This book is “The Next Generation.” While previous works have outlined the problem, our book is focused on solutions. It will be a hands-on guide, focusing on the practical. It’s one thing to recognize the problem, but let’s look at what can physically be done. What do the experts recommend? What has worked for other people?

    Read the entire commentary at the Jewish Journal.

  • From Outrage to Action: A Practical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism

    From Outrage to Action: A Practical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism

    My book, “From Outrage to Action: A Practical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism,” will be a reality with your support. My Kickstarter prelaunch page is live, and the campaign will begin next month. Now is the time for action. Check it out.

    After going through most of the stages of grief since the October 7, 2023 massacre in Israel, I thought about what I could do to help. In the aftermath of this tragedy, as we witness a surge of worldwide protests that too often cross the line into antisemitism, the sense of helplessness can be overwhelming. Many of us in the Jewish community, and our allies, are searching for a way to channel our collective grief and anger into something that can light the darkness.

    For me, that way forward is through the power of writing and storytelling. I am working on a book aimed at illuminating the ways we can combat antisemitism in various spheres of our lives. It’s essential to channel our concerns into constructive action. This project is about empowerment, providing practical tools and strategies for individuals and communities to effectively counter antisemitism.

    My upcoming book serves as a hands-on guide, offering actionable advice for addressing and preventing antisemitism in various areas of everyday life, including …

    • The Virtual World: Developing the tools necessary to fight online hate.
    • Educational Institutions: College campuses are the front lines of the war on antisemitism. I’ll explain how you can cut through the noise and take back your school.
    • The Workplace: Employers and employees are finding it difficult to navigate through issues of free speech vs. hate speech.
    • Political Arenas: Where policies and rhetoric have real-world impact.

    And many more.

    The book will feature real-life examples of individuals and groups who have made significant strides in combating antisemitism. Their stories will not only inspire but also guide readers on how they can contribute to these efforts in their own lives.

    This book will share the inspiring stories of those who are successfully fighting antisemitism in these arenas. It will offer advice on what you can do in your own life to make a difference. This is not just a chronicle of the struggle against anti-Jewish hatred; it is a reflection of the actions that each one of us can take. By supporting this Kickstarter, you are helping to bring this important work to life. Your contributions will enable the research, writing, production, and distribution of a resource that empowers us all to take a stand. Remember, you are not alone. Together, we will navigate through these challenging times and emerge stronger.

    Join me in turning concern into action, and help make this vital resource a reality.

    Check out my Kickstarter prelaunch page.

    Subscribe to my mailing list for more information.

    Subscribe to my Jewish-themed newsletter, Emet-Truth.

  • Unpacking the ‘Jewish Space Laser’ Conspiracy Theory

    Unpacking the ‘Jewish Space Laser’ Conspiracy Theory

    In a recent article and accompanying podcast, I had the chance to explore the perplexing and deeply troubling “Jewish Space Laser” conspiracy theory. We laugh about it, but should we? I interviewed Mike Rothschild, author of Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories. Our conversation aimed to shed light on how such theories often find their origin in antisemitism, particularly focusing on the Rothschild family as a recurring target.

    “Almost all of these theories eventually connect back to the Jews, and the Rothschilds are seen as the ultimate Jews—the kings of the Jews. So it all coalesced for me into writing a book to figure out who this family is, and who they are not.” – Mike Rothschild

    For the full article, visit Jewish Journal of Los Angeles.

    For the complete podcast interview, click here.

  • Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Every other Sunday, I join Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, for our Creative Self-Publishing Podcast. I learn a great deal from Orna, who is my publishing mentor in addition to novelist, poet, and creative facilitator. Every episode, we’ll discuss how to become a profitable self-publisher while also retaining your unique, creative voice. There are many paths to self-publishing, and we’ll help you discover yours. You can listen to our episodes at the link below, or find us on your favorite podcast app.

    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Subscribe on iTunes   Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast for podcasts logo   Pocket Casts Logo  

  • Working With a Developmental Book Editor

    Working With a Developmental Book Editor

    Over at Writer’s Hive, I write about how to work with a developmental book editor. Well, specifically, how to work with me. Here’s an excerpt:

    I first talk to the author to discover their goals in writing the book and to get their “voice.” We discuss the themes that are covered. I find that for first-time memoirists, and in many first drafts, much of the interesting detail has not yet been written. I try to challenge them to dig deeper. Part of my job as a memoir editor is to help jog the author’s memory by asking questions. “How did it feel?” “What did you say?” “How did others react?” “Who else was there?” Then they sit down to write their second draft. The result is a better sensory experience for the readers and something that more accurately recreates the author’s experiences. So, how does that work in practice? As I advise my clients, it’s better to show rather than tell, so let me break it down into some specific categories.

    I give a number of examples on how I work specifically with memoirs as a developmental book editor.

    Read the entire piece at the Writer’s Hive.

    Learn more about what I do as a developmental book editor here.

  • TwitterChat: How to Work With a Developmental Editor

    TwitterChat: How to Work With a Developmental Editor

    I recently took part in a TwitterChat with Tim Lewis at the Alliance of Independent Authors, where I produce and host podcasts. This time, I put on my editor’s hat and answered questions on how I work with authors as a developmental editor. The questions were great and my answers provide a broad overview of how I partner with authors to finish their manuscripts.

    Click here to read my TwitterChat on How to Work With a Developmental Editor

  • Michael Steinhardt, Jewish Pride, and Birth of Birthright

    Michael Steinhardt, Jewish Pride, and Birth of Birthright

    When I was managing editor at JTA (1999-2001) I covered the birth of Birthright Israel and other issues involving younger Jews searching for connection to Judaism. That’s why I asked Publishers Weekly if I could interview Michael Steinhardt on his book, Jewish Pride, which outlines the Birthright founder’s search for a formula to battle antisemitism and assimilation by funding programs that contribute to Jewish pride. 

    More than 25 years ago, Wall Street mogul Michael Steinhardt took a look around at his fellow American Jews and the institutions that supported them and did not like what he saw. To him, synagogues and religious schools failed to instill a sense of pride in young Jews.

    That’s when Steinhardt made a decision that would have ripple effects across the Jewish world for the next quarter-century and beyond.

    “On December 31, 1995, I retired and closed down my firm,” Steinhardt writes in his book, Jewish Pride (Post Hill, Sept. 13). “My career as a manager of other people’s money was over. From that day forward, I would dedicate not just my capital but also my time and creative energy to solving the problem that lurked beneath everything I felt had gone wrong with American Jewry.”

    Read the entire feature at Publishers Weekly.

    Read the complete Q&A interview with Michael Steinhardt on my Emet-Truth newsletter.

  • Jewish Mobsters Knew How to Properly Punch Nazis

    Jewish Mobsters Knew How to Properly Punch Nazis

    Yes, Jewish mobsters knew how to properly punch Nazis. This feature for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency was fun to write. I talk to author Michael Benson about his book Gangsters Vs. Nazis: How Jewish Mobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America. Before WWII, Jewish mobsters kept Nazis at bay in the US—with their fists.

    The way author Michael Benson tells it, one day in 1938, New York judge and Jewish communal leader Nathan Perlman sat at a bar and thought, “How come these Nazis get to march down 86th Street, goose-stepping and ‘sieg heiling’ like it’s the Macy’s Parade? Why are they so brazen?”

    It was because they were not worried about the consequences. Too few people in then-isolationist America really cared about what was being said about the Jews or what was happening to them in Europe, Benson said. What was needed, then, were Jews who weren’t afraid to break some laws — and some bones — as they challenged the homegrown Nazi threat.

    And that’s when, in Benson’s words, “Judge Perlman thought outside the box.”

    What happened next is the subject of Benson’s book, “Gangsters Vs. Nazis: How Jewish Mobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America” (Kensington), published in late April. As the title suggests, Perlman had a few connections in the underworld. That included Meyer Lansky, an accountant, bootlegger and fixer whose work straddled both the Italian American and the Jewish mob. Lansky, in turn, had at his disposal Jewish members of a mob enforcement organization known as “Murder Inc.”

    Read the rest of my feature on Jewish mobsters at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

    You can also listen to the full audio of my interview with author Michael Benson here.

  • Is Forgiveness ‘Wrong Way’ to Cope with Holocaust?

    Is Forgiveness ‘Wrong Way’ to Cope with Holocaust?

    What is Holocaust forgiveness? For whom is the forgiveness meant? And what if the crime is so big, there can be no forgiveness? I’ve been thinking about these issues the past few months because it popped up unexpectedly in my professional and personal lives. First, the professional, which you’ll find more interesting.

    Early this year, I wrote a feature for Publishers Weekly about what I consider to be a groundbreaking new children’s book about the Holocaust. It begins:

    With anti-Semitic acts on the rise worldwide and polls that show a disturbing lack of knowledge about the Holocaust, Michigan author Danica Davidson says the timing is crucial for her middle-grade book, I Will Protect You: A True Story of Twins Who Survived Auschwitz (Little, Brown, April 5). The title was co-written with Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor before her death in 2019.

    “Eva’s argument was that if we wait until 12 or older to teach about the Holocaust or anti-Semitism, it’s too late, because the prejudice has already set in,” Davidson tells PW. “That’s why she wanted to reach younger kids.”

    You can read the rest of the article here.

    So far so good. I enjoy my occasional gig at PW because their religion editor allows me to interview some fascinating Jewish authors.

    Then came this letter addressed to pretty much every higher-up editor at the magazine:

    I was dismayed to see the article below on PW. Eva Kor is an anomaly among survivors of the Shoah. She has generated a great deal of anger over her disturbing accounts of forgiving Nazis for perpetrating genocide against Europe’s Jews. Most of her support has come from a small segment of Christians drawn to her message. You have the opportunity to highlight the many outstanding works which accurately educate readers, including young readers, about the truth of the Shoah. Even the title, “Forgiving Dr. Mengele,” of the documentary about her should have alerted you to the pernicious nature of her message.

    Please consider posting an update, removing this piece, or simply keeping in  mind the importance of accurate portrayals of the Shoah in the future.

    Thank you,

    Emily Schneider

    I could tell that my editor at PW must have been in a slight panic over the prospect of wandering into an internal Jewish argument. I received an email in the evening asking what we should do about this.

    To find out what happened next, read the entire commentary on my Emet-Truth newsletter.