Tag: podcasts

  • Learning My Spiel as a Podcast Guest

    Learning My Spiel as a Podcast Guest

    This past month, I’ve been a podcast guest to discuss my work as I write my book on combating antisemitism. While I need to work on my stammering and head-tilting during these interviews, and I find myself more eloquent in writing than speaking, I’m learning as I go along. By the time my book is released, I’m hoping to sound and look more confident. This past month, I’ve appeared on the “Never Again is Now” and “The Jewish Lens” podcasts. I discuss various aspects of antisemitism, my personal background, and my professional projects.

    Never Again is Now

    I appeared on the “Never Again is Now” podcast, hosted by Evelyn Markus and Phyllis Zimbler Miller, where we addressed the critical issue of antisemitism in K-12 American schools. Our conversation started with an examination of the troubling educational content provided by the National Education Association (NEA) and its collaboration with groups like Jews for Racial and Economic Justice. These materials often present a distorted view of Israel and Jewish history, depicting Israel as a white settler colonial state and fostering misinformation. It’s disheartening how such biased educational resources misinform teachers and students, perpetuating antisemitic stereotypes and false narratives.

    We also discussed the challenges faced by Jewish teachers who feel unsupported in their efforts to counteract this biased material. I shared the story of a teacher who sought help from various Jewish organizations without success, highlighting the overwhelming power and influence of the NEA. The conversation underscored the need for Jewish organizations to prioritize their battles strategically while acknowledging the crucial fight against antisemitic indoctrination in schools.

    We emphasized the importance of grassroots action and building coalitions with allies, given that the Jewish population is only 0.2% of the world. We talked about ways to take action, such as donating accurate educational materials to schools, attending local school board meetings, and supporting organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and CAMERA. The episode ended with a call to action for listeners to stay hopeful and proactive, reinforcing that while combating antisemitism is challenging, it is a fight we can tackle together.

    You can watch the full Never Again is Now podcast episode here.

    The Jewish Lens

    I was delighted to join Jonathan Rosen on “The Jewish Lens” podcast, where we explored my personal background and the significant themes that have shaped my career. My upbringing was profoundly influenced by the stories of my grandfather, a Holocaust refugee. These stories fueled my passion for writing and journalism. My life as a writer has been an ongoing quest to make sense of the world through the lens of these early experiences.

    During our discussion, Jonathan and I tackled October 7th, a date that will forever be etched in my memory. It was my 58th birthday. That day, I woke up to the horrific news and felt a profound shift within myself. Despite my awareness of rising antisemitism, the speed and ferocity of the world’s call for more dead Jews took even me by surprise.

    We also talked about the rise of antisemitism in academia and publishing, emphasizing the need for Jewish-friendly spaces and proactive measures to support and uplift Jewish voices in these fields. We also touched on my involvement in starting a new Jewish-friendly publishing company, aiming to provide a platform for Jewish authors and stories that are often marginalized or silenced.

    You can watch the full Jewish Lens podcast episode here.

  • Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Creative Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Me

    Every other Sunday, I join Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, for our Creative Self-Publishing Podcast. I learn a great deal from Orna, who is my publishing mentor in addition to novelist, poet, and creative facilitator. Every episode, we’ll discuss how to become a profitable self-publisher while also retaining your unique, creative voice. There are many paths to self-publishing, and we’ll help you discover yours. You can listen to our episodes at the link below, or find us on your favorite podcast app.

    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Subscribe on iTunes   Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast   Player.fm for podcasts   Overcast.fm logo   Pocket Casts Logo  

  • Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Me

    Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Me

    I’m grateful that the Alliance of Independent Authors has teamed me up with the multitalented Dan Holloway to host the monthly Self-Publishing News podcast. I spent the first half of my career as a journalist, and I still approach my work as, above all, a “good story.” The rise of indie publishing is a great story, with many moving parts, and I enjoy chatting with Dan to get caught up on the latest news. Dan is brilliant, so the podcast usually features me asking him questions and making occasional wisecracks, while my colleague actually delivers the news.

    You can hear the latest Self-Publishing News podcast below.


    Also, you can listen to my author-interview podcast here.

    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Self-Publishing News Podcast   Self-Publishing News Podcast   Player.fm for podcasts   Overcast.fm logo   Pocket Casts Logo  Self-Publishing News Podcast

  • Author Podcast: I’m Inspired By Backstories

    Author Podcast: I’m Inspired By Backstories

    As host of an author podcast for the Alliance of Independent Authors, I have a fun job. I get to talk to some incredible people. What I enjoy most is hearing their life stories. What made them want to write? What experiences did they bring before they ever began to set their ideas down on paper?

    There is a pattern to our interviews. Right out the gate, the authors usually race forward and talk about the ins and outs of various plot points in their books. That’s when I stop them and say, “Hold that thought. We’ll talk about your book later.”

    I try to take them back to the moment they decided to become a writer. It takes them a few seconds, then they grow a little more relaxed. The script they had planned is set aside. As we go through their life story, I always get something surprising, or something they hadn’t planned on telling me.

    Indie authors usually have lived varied and interesting lives before they ever decided to become authors. They have backstories, themselves, that informed their worldview, writing style, genre choice, and usually a deep well of experience from which to draw. I have selfish reasons for hosting this show, too. These authors inspire me to use my own backstory to become a better writer.

    You can listen to my author podcast below.


    Subscribe to our AskALLi podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or Spotify.

    Subscribe on iTunes   Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast   Player.fm for podcasts   Overcast.fm logo   Pocket Casts Logo