Authors Bring Holocaust Story to Young Readers

Holocaust Story

Publishers Weekly ran a feature I wrote on a groundbreaking children’s book by Michigan author Danica Davidson and Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor. The book comes at a crucial time in history, when antisemitism is on the rise and knowledge about the Holocaust is fading.

Holocaust Story
Eva Mozes Kor

With anti-Semitic acts on the rise worldwide and polls that show a disturbing lack of knowledge about the Holocaust, Michigan author Danica Davidson says the timing is crucial for her middle-grade book, I Will Protect You: A True Story of Twins Who Survived Auschwitz (Little, Brown, April 5). The title was co-written with Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor before her death in 2019.

“Eva’s argument was that if we wait until 12 or older to teach about the Holocaust or anti-Semitism, it’s too late, because the prejudice has already set in,” Davidson tells PW. “That’s why she wanted to reach younger kids.”

Holocaust education is under scrutiny today after a school board in Tennessee pulled Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer-prize-winning Maus off its shelves, and a recent Pew Research Center poll shows that fewer than half of Americans know that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.

Read the entire feature at Publishers Weekly.

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