Author Imagines an Alternate-History Rome

Alternate History

I recently spoke to Alison Morton, whose background as a translator, historian, and British army veteran makes her uniquely qualified to write an alternate history of Rome, asking what would have happened had the Roman Empire survived into modern times … and it was ruled by women.

Alison’s varied background gave her the opportunity to meet all kinds of people and observe them. And, as most writers know, what you experience in life, the characters you meet, is all part of your book research.

In this show, Alison talks about her obsession with Rome, how and why she chose to write an alternate history, feminism, and gives advice to other writers on how to create whole new worlds.

You can listen to my interview with Diana Stevan by clicking the arrow below.

Or take a look at the entire post, and transcripts, at the Alliance of Independent Authors. You can listen and subscribe to all my author-interview podcasts for the Alliance of Independent over here.

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